22-29 Oct – One World Week: “Good Neighbours, My World Depends on Us”
Various venuesResources relating to the theme for this year’s Annual OWW are downloadable from www.oneworldweek.org/theme
Resources relating to the theme for this year’s Annual OWW are downloadable from www.oneworldweek.org/theme
An opportunity for members and supporters of Global Justice Now to meet up for campaign updates and to meet other members and staff, including head of policy Dorothy Guerrero. RSVP […]
Assemble at 12 noon, Grosvenor Square, W1K 6LF. For the past 100 years Palestinian rights have been disregarded. At the centenary of the Balfour Declaration – 2nd November – which […]
This is a fund-raising activity for Christian Aid, with local schools and churches signed up to provide readers who between them will read through the entire “Book of Books”, the […]
Our regular bi-monthly meeting at The Unity Centre. Speaker Colin Watson, with clear and well-informed thoughts on the topic of shale gas: “Fracking, not here – not anywhere!” 01244 350323
You are invited to this Interfaith Week Celebration, an Open Mic evening on the theme "Love Thy ... Self? How would the world look if we were more compassionate towards […]
A public gathering to learn more about opposing fracking in the local area. Enjoy live music and stalls. Hear from key speakers including local MPs Justin Madders, Chris Matheson and […]
This is a performance by Journeymen Theatre, based on the real story of a woman and her children removed from Russia and subjected to a life of servitude followed by […]
A Craft Fair with free children’s activities and refreshments. Come and find Christmas presents with a difference and help change the world! The Fair is raising money for Chanasa in […]
Over 20 Fair Trade stalls with original gifts and foods from around the developing world. Entrance 50p. www.stockport-fairtrade.org.uk
Chester CND invite you to join them in a silent vigil to highlight the plight of the people of Yemen and UK involvement. Wear black if possible and come along […]
A social occasion and fund-raiser for CAFOD, held at the home of Liz Aiello. The Coffee Morning will also include sale of World Gifts.