Events Calendar


Thurs 17th Sept – Chester CND

The Unity Centre Cuppin Street, Chester

This meeting, like the one that had to be cancelled in March, is to discuss the future of the group.  When this incarnation of CND was set up, there was the possibility of cancelling the next Trident order, but in the current climate, there is no obvious immediate focus for our activities.  The group can […]

Sat 26th Sept – Chester Friends of Palestine Vigil Against Arms to Israel

The Cross, Chester

2-3.00pm  The Cross, Chester Last month's Vigil was very successful, catching shoppers' attention, the group standing in front of empty shops and conveniently situated for maximum visibility. The Group knows that some avoid these events, feeling uncomfortable handing out leaflets. At this event leaflets are only given to those who approach us. Come and support […]

Thurs 1st Oct – CWDF Q&A (Zoom) session with Chris Matheson MP

Zoom Session

Joining at 6.00 for start at 6.15pm. Issues to be raised and discussed with Chris include: the Foreign Office/International Development merger; working towards Zero Carbon Britain; post-EU Trade Deals; Covid and developing country Debt. The session will be Zoom-hosted and chaired by Gill Miller. We hope you can join in. To participate please email  […]

Fri 9th – Sun 11th Oct – What If…? Imagining our green and fair recovery

Zoom Session

A Virtual weekend, where a variety of contributors will be speaking on a range of environmental and social topics. Each session will last around an hour with time for Q&A from the audience. Sessions will take place across the whole weekend and anyone can register to watch as many sessions as they like, live via […]

Wed 14th Oct – Chester Greenpeace: A Green Recovery, future of transport in Chester

Greenpeace nationally has started a Transport campaign. Locally we wish to organise an event, Wednesday 14th October at 6:30 pm,  where we can engage our local authorities to speak on local transport issues, and particularly seeking contributions from groups that are campaigning on the intersections of race and transport, and the accessibility of transport, and […]

Sat 31st Oct  – Chester Friends of Palestine Vigil Against Arms to Israel

The Cross, Chester

Our recent vigils have been very successful, catching shoppers' attention, the group standing in front of empty shops and conveniently situated for maximum visibility. The Group knows that some avoid these events, feeling uncomfortable handing out leaflets. At this event leaflets are only given to those who approach us. Come and support us! To let […]

Tues 3rd Nov – CWDF Forum-by-Zoom

Zoom Session

Please note this date is one week earlier than the Forum’s traditional 2nd Tuesday slot. Prior to the Forum business meeting Stephen Maund will be giving us an update on his work in Malawi with the Capacity Foundation. Their activities are focussed on northern Malawi, and seek to end aid dependency by enabling people to […]

9th -16th Nov – Exhibition and Conference “Our Journey to Sustainability” POSTPONED TO 2021

Chester Cathedral St Werburgh Street, Chester

By putting on this exhibition with Chester Cathedral, the Chester Sustainability Forum aims to display the wide range of responses to the climate emergency that are being planned and implemented by the many faith groups, environmental groups, businesses, and political parties which share the common objective of improving the environmental sustainability of Chester and its […]

Sat 28th Nov – Sustainable Christmas: Virtual Eco Fair


Friends of the Earth and Eco Communities’ Winter Fair is usually face to face, but like the Virtual Eco Fair held in June they are taking this event on line. For programme  details go to  and  follow the link,  or email:

Wed 9th Dec – Chester Friends of Palestine: Zoom session


Wed 9th Dec – Chester Friends of Palestine: Zoom session 6.30pm  Our next meeting is in the form of a Zoom call with Hala Rashed, an associate professor at Bethlehem University. Hala will talk about life in Bethlehem today, particularly relevant as we approach Christmas. For further information or to get the Zoom link for […]

Thurs 10th Dec – International Human Rights Day


Human Rights Day is celebrated annually across the world on this date every year. The date was chosen to honour the United Nations General Assembly's adoption and proclamation, on 10 December 1948, of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. “Write for Rights”: In December 2019 Chester & Wrexham Amnesty International Group held a successful event […]

Wed 16th Dec 2020 – Stories, Poems, and Music for Advent and Christmas

St Mary's Without-the-Walls Overleigh Road, Handbridge, Chester

‘Do you want to hold him for a moment?’ Stories, Poems, and Music for Advent and Christmas, with Trevor Dennis and Friends We really need Christmas this year, but whether our churches will be able to hold the usual carol services remains doubtful.  So this Christian Aid event may be particularly important. A ray of […]
