Events Calendar


Sat 19th Dec – Chester Friends of Palestine Vigil: Against Arms to Israel

The Cross, Chester

2.00 -3.00pm  The Cross, Chester We will not be holding our usual vigil at the end of November but if it's possible we hope to have one on this, the Saturday before Christmas, with placards on a Bethlehem theme.  To let us know you are coming, and for further information please email:  

Tues 12th Jan – CWDF Forum-by-Zoom

Zoom event

Speaker Ciara Hogan, on her work as Community Participation Cooordinator for CAFOD – the Catholic Agency for Overseas Development. Ciara’s responsibilities cover the Catholic Diocese of Shrewsbury, (extending from Birkenhead in the north down to Telford in the south) fostering the work of local groups. Please email for Zoom joining details.  

Tues 2nd Feb & every Tuesday – “Tellus” : Eco-Communities Crowdcast

Zoom Session

Chester FoE run Eco Communities TV on Tuesdays 7pm each week. If you have something you want to say, a community project you’re involved in, or you want to talk about or anything in the eco/ sustainable world you think people should know about get in touch. You can follow our Eco Communities TV Chanel on […]

Every Tuesday 7pm – “Tellus” : Eco-Communities Crowdcast

Zoom Session

Every Tuesday 7pm – “Tellus” : Eco-Communities Crowdcast Chester FoE run Eco Communities TV on Tuesdays 7pm each week. If you have something you want to say, a community project you’re involved in, or you want to talk about or anything in the eco/ sustainable world you think people should know about get in touch. You […]

Thurs 11th Feb – Achieving Global Justice in International Debt

Zoom event

7.30pm  Zoom session Global Justice Shropshire is hosting a public talk by Revd Canon John Nightingale, Chair of Jubilee Debt Campaign Birmingham, for a virtual talk and Q&A on 'unjust debt' in February. The coronavirus pandemic has brought debt in developing countries into sharp relief. Members of Chester World Development Forum and friends would be […]

Every Tuesday 7pm – “Tellus” : Eco-Communities Crowdcast

Zoom Session

Every Tuesday 7pm – “Tellus” : Eco-Communities Crowdcast Chester FoE run Eco Communities TV on Tuesdays 7pm each week. If you have something you want to say, a community project you’re involved in, or you want to talk about or anything in the eco/ sustainable world you think people should know about get in touch. You […]

Mon 22nd Feb – Sun 7th Mar – Fairtrade Fortnight

Mon 22nd Feb – Sun 7th Mar - Fairtrade Fortnight For two weeks each year at the end of February and start of March, thousands of individuals, companies and groups across the UK come together to share the stories of the people who grow our food and drinks, mine our gold and who grow the […]

Every Tuesday 7pm – “Tellus” : Eco-Communities Crowdcast

Zoom Session

Every Tuesday 7pm – “Tellus” : Eco-Communities Crowdcast Chester FoE run Eco Communities TV on Tuesdays 7pm each week. If you have something you want to say, a community project you’re involved in, or you want to talk about or anything in the eco/ sustainable world you think people should know about get in touch. You […]

Tues 9th Mar – CWDF Forum-by-Zoom

Zoom Session

Our Forum meeting will include a talk by Martin Evans, Honorary Research Fellow, Centre for Agroecology, Water and Resilience, Coventry University: “Development interventions and social realities in paddy rice farming, South Senegal”  - Email for Zoom link  

Tues 16th Mar – “Tellus”: Eco-Communities Crowdcast

Every Tuesday 7pm – “Tellus” : Eco-Communities Crowdcast Chester FoE run Eco Communities TV on Tuesdays 7pm each week. If you have something you want to say, a community project you’re involved in, or you want to talk about or anything in the eco/ sustainable world you think people should know about get in touch. You […]